Monday 13 October 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 October 13

Two years ago today we buried some of your ashes with Jazz at the end of the driveway where she used to lay and wait for you to come home. It was a cold miserable day. Today Buddy died at noon today on a most lovely warm fall day. Did he pick this day to die? For the past 5 days he wouldn't eat. He managed to walk outside and lay on the grass in the sun. He liked to crawl into cool places when hot so the wood shed attracted him. Our new dog Riley didn't seem to understand the old dog didn't want to play anymore. It will be interesting to see how she handles life without Buddy.

I remember the day we got Buddy from the Regina Humane Society. I figure it must have been 2007 and he was probably 5 or so years old. He sure has been a good dog for all of us.  His one downfall was an attraction to chasing vehicles on the grid road out front of here. I am glad he died naturally instead of a hit and run.

Buddy loved Mary and Mary had a dish of water out front for the dogs and cats. This morning Buddy walked across the yard and had a drink and laid down in front of Mary's door. It was a good place for him to die although it must have been hard for Mary that's for sure.

Thanksgiving was always your favorite time of the year for family gatherings as you'd spend Christmas working at the hospitals. So this year we are stricken with great sadness at this most recent loss and on top of that we remember you and your many gifts you gave us and the world.

I carried Buddy over to the burial grounds in the horse pasture near the garden where Murphy lies with all of the other pets. I sat and cried my heart out for a spell. I'll miss the old dog- especially when coming along on horse rides. We all do grief differently at different times and with different intensities. You certainly knew that from your work. We will have supper with our extended family and seniors tonight and we will express gratitude for our friendships and we will remember those who are no longer with us.

You have one more companion now Lee...........peace be with you.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

2 years have gone by

Two years have gone by since my life changed forever ad Lee was told she had cancer. I have been reminded a lot about cancer lately what with my mother having surgery to remove cancer in her left cheek and a dear friend in Manitoba dying from pancreatic cancer February 26.My mother is 88 and Sue was 59. Lee would have been 70 in April this year.

I count my blessings every day and continue to lead a full life.Last week I cleaned out Lee's cedar chest and found a great stack of sympathy cards people had given me. I read them all to Kathy and shed some tears. We had some great talks as we always do. I felt a lessening of the raw feelings I used to have and this is good.

It does become easier over time but it is the simplest things at the most surprising times that take me back to Lee's last 10 days. I am unsure how I came through it but I did.

So now I feel I can offer support to my friend Danielle who lost the love of her life. I know that raw feeling and it is something that we go through. It will ease over time....that I now know.