Friday 15 March 2013

March 16, 2013

I spent yesterday doing errands, stopping in to visit people, ordering flooring, getting prices for windows. I even bought a new  Samsung cell phone so I can learn to text. Lord help me. I never thought I'd see the day.

I see cell phone use as rampant and I see a disconnect with people. I have watched people in restaurants where it looks like they might be on a date. Both people are blasting away at their phones and appear to have little regard for each other. I do not want that. I want your attention and I want to give you attention when I am with you. May I be struck down if I get addicted to this new technology. May it just be used for quick messages about bringing home some milk. Will keep you posted.

Kathy, Mary, Iris and I went out for a nice supper and we laughed and told stories about Lee. Some I had forgotten and some I had not heard. There is an addition to the Lee- rum story. Iris had taken Lee to her appointments and she told me that on the way home Lee had mentioned to her that she would like some rum. Iris encouraged her to talk to me about it. Well, she did!

We got a hug dump of snow today. Plans to go and pick up Kathy's new car were put on hold. A dear friend called to ask how I was doing and we had a very REAL conversation. It is quite common when we are in our 60's to look at our mortality and make decisions on how we want to live to the end of our lives and how we want to die. Even if we figure out what we don't want for ourselves. Then we need to TELL our loved ones. Let it all be known. Do not let us guess. We all want to respect each persons right to live and die the way they want to.

I felt quite a lot lighter yesterday. Not worn down and terribly sad. I got over the hump of the one year anniversary.

And now back to a normal life. I half assed backed the tractor out of the shed and got stuck on glare ice. Could not go ahead. Could not back up.Hand throttle stuck. Had to use the foot feed. Looked down and saw a stream of lime green liquid flowing. I shut her down. To hell with it.

Phoned the neighbour to see if he was available to clear the yard. In the meantime Kathy is exercising by shovelling the main part of the driveway. It really has turned out to be a bright beautiful day.

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